LiveRamp’s RampUp Conference Uncovers New Details on Our Cookieless Future.
March 4, 2022![$fullWidthMedia['data']['image']['alt']](
After attending LiveRamp’s RampUp event this week, we left completely energized and ready to continue helping our clients march towards a new era in cookieless targeting and better solutions. The event always brings together the top talent from the industry across data, technology, agencies, and brands.
A few 3rd party cookies questions before we dive into this year’s content:
Are we any closer to this actually happening?
No, but solutions are available for testing now.
Should this be a priority?
Absolutely. This is where the industry is heading, and it is the right thing to do to prepare your brand and be on the right side of data privacy. Approximately 40% of the internet cannot be tracked by cookies already, so applying these solutions immediately opens your potential audience base.
What is available for testing?
1st party data is still at the top of the list for readily available activation solutions by matching data to a unified ID solution, such as LiveRamp’sATS RampID or The Trade Desk’sUID 2.0. Even more exciting is what is happening on the 3rd party data side. Many clients just don’t have the databases in place to scale their 1st party efforts, and not to mention, there is always a need to reach users outside of your already loyal fanbase. Many cookieless solutions being discussed are centered around cohorts or contextual targeting, but at Ciceron we are focused on finding niche audiences that will truly make an impact on our client’s business goals. We want the data that matters, so our attention has turned to those data providers that have 1st party data on their owned audiences that I can utilize on my client’s behalf through the same match technology already in place from an ATS RampID basis.
Conversations throughout the conference eventually shifted to what’s next. The confidence from everyone that all the pipes were being put in place to not only apply cookieless solutions towards targeting, but that this work along with many technology solutions coming together, will also allow us to fully understand how media affects the overarching goals of the advertising dollars at work. The word ‘currency’ was the real thread throughout the conference. The days of buying our media off reach and impressions are coming to an end, and buyers are going to continue to push the envelope in order to buy based on what matters most to them. This may shift to achieving specific metrics from desired audiences –video completions or even conversion or purchase data.
Overall, data driven decisions will continue to be at the forefront of marketing. And marketing will continue to evolve towards true customer engagements that can actually be tracked throughout their journey at every touchpoint. There is much that still needs to be done in order for the full industry to accomplish this, but we are committed to being on the front lines of these changes.