A Better Website to End Hunger.
Second Harvest Heartland is one of the largest hunger-relief organizations in the nation. Their website serves a variety of audiences—including donors, volunteers, agency partners, employees and people in need of food assistance—but it was difficult to navigate, lacked compelling content and overly-prioritized donations at the expense of other audiences. They asked Ciceron to redesign the website for a simple, relevant, and connected digital experience for all audiences.
Simplifying our strategic approach
With 14 audiences to consider, it was easy to see why the current site lacked clarity. Our team simplified this approach by categorizing the audience segments into two groups based on their content needs, website purpose and usage: people who needed help and people who wanted to get involved. Once we aligned our strategic approach, we began building a sitemap that accurately reflected the individual user journeys.
Inspiring hope through content and design
To fulfill the brand mission of “ending hunger together,” our content and design needed to inspire hope. Our team focused on bringing a light yet vibrant feel to the design, using illustrative brand elements, optimistic photography, energetic colors and plenty of space for content.
We challenged the Second Harvest Heartland team to shift how they were thinking about content—moving away from an interest/consideration/activation model and embracing the idea of inspire/believe/hope. To support this unique content approach, we provided content strategies for how to meet both audience and organizational needs.
Our team then completed a content audit across hundreds of pages on the current site, providing detailed guidance on mapping, gaps, tone and storytelling opportunities.
In the end we provided the client with an extensive site map, wireframes, design elements, SEO and content guidance for building an easy-to-use site that meets the needs of their many audiences.